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Academic capital

Professor and doctoral supervisor
Valahia University (Sept 2013 – Present)
Teaching 20th century history and international relations, guiding doctoral thesis on political history and international relations in the 20th century, Baltic and Nordic history; research in these fields
„Grigore Gafencu” Research Center of the History of International Relations and Cultural Heritage (, since 2013
President and Editor-in-Chief
The Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies (Nov 2008 – Present)
Directing the activities of the Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies, preparing the strategies, creating events, editing the Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies (Revista Romana pentru Studii Baltice si Nordice) – editor-in-chief –, integrated in databases Ebsco, CEEOL, IndexCopernicus, DOAJ and so on
Valahia University, Foreign Language Studies Department (Sept 2012 – Present)
Management of foreign language studies programmes
Associate Professor
Valahia University (Oct 2007 – Sept. 2013)
Teaching 20th century history and international relations, and Baltic and Nordic history; research in these fields
Valahian Journal of Historical Studies (Jan 2004 – Dec 2013, since 2018) –, integrated in databases Ebsco, ProQuest, CEEOL, IndexCopernicus and so on
Editing the scientific journal, decision-making in regard of strategies, thematic, approval of articles etc.
Faculty of Humanities, Valahia University (2008 – 2011)
Management of the Faculty of Humanities (about a thousand students at all levels and personnel), responsible for research and education
Valahia University (Feb 2003 – Sep 2007)
Teaching 20th century history and international relations, and Baltic and Nordic history; research in these fields
Postdoctoral researcher
University of Turku (Sep 2005 – Dec 2005), financed by CIMO
Research of the theme Converging and diverging their destinies. Romania and Finland during World War II, teaching the course Sundry Europes, sundry Romanias: the identity of Romanians in the age of clashes (1918-2000)
Visiting Professor
University of Greifswald (Oct. 2013)
Course on Regional security organizations in the Baltic and Black sea areas during the interwar period: a comparative approach, within the programme Baltic Borderlands. Shifting Boundaries of Mind and Culture in the Borderlands of the Baltic Sea Region.
Visiting Fellow
University of Glasgow, Glasgow Baltic Research Unit (Sep 2004 – Dec 2004)
Comparative research in the field of British foreign policy, British policy towards Romania, Finland and Estonia (1939-1941)
Invited professor (ECTS courses taught):
University of Turku (2004, 2006, 2010), University of Helsinki (2004, 2006, 2008)
Postdoctoral researcher
University of Turku (May 2003 – Aug 2003)
Researches on the theme Allies without alliance. Romania and Finland’s policies toward Soviet Union during the Second World War: a study on cultural and political behaviour of the small states in the war, teaching the course Sundry Europes, sundry Romanias: the identity of Romanians in the age of clashes (1918-2000)
Professor assistant
Valahia University (Mar 2000 – Feb 2003)
Teaching courses and seminars of contemporary history and international relations, research in the same field
Junior Assistant Professor
Valahia University (Mar 1998 – Feb 2000)
Teaching 20th century history and international relations, research in these fields
Teacher of history
Music and Art High School, Petru Cercel High School and Petru Cercel High School of Targoviste (Sep 1997 – May 1998)
Teaching general history