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Category: Billets


Knowledge and Creativity (KreativEU) European University Alliance awarded a substantial grant of €14,400,000.00 by the European Commission

Knowledge and Creativity (KreativEU) European University Alliance awarded a substantial grant of €14,400,000.00 by the European Commission as part of the 2024 European Universities competition. The KreativEU Alliance comprises the following higher education institutions:...


Informare grevă japoneză

Stimați colegi și membri ai comunității universitare, Cu profund regret doresc să vă informez că am luat decizia de a intra în greva japoneză în semn de protest față de seria de încălcări grave...


Heritage, Science, and Technologies for Sustainable Preservation

Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Science and TechnologyMay 16, 2024 – May 17, 2024 Webpage: The First Annual International KreativEU Conference, under the theme “Heritage, Science, and Technologies for Sustainable Preservation,” organized by...